Speaking Out for the Blind

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 359- ACB Community

March 1, 2025

We’re very excited to welcome back American Council of the Blind’s Cindy Hollis. Cindy is ACB’s Manager of Membership Engagement. She’s here to talk about ACB’s Community Calls and how they’ve positively changed ACB and the blind community for the past five years. For more information on this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-359-acb-communitys-past-present-and-future

Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 358- Quest for Improved Audio description

February 1, 2025

The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports that many blind and visually impaired listen to a video without visuals and can’t get the whole experience. That’s the experience the blind and visually impaired have when using social media and watching video tutorials. University of California, UC Santa Cruz Computational Media Department and Baskin School of Engineering Professor Sri Kurniawan is trying to solve the problem. Professor Kurniawan and her colleagues are working with the blind community to find useful features for new auto-generated audio description programs. Professor Kurniawan is here to talk about her mission. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-358-quest-for-improved-audio-description

Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 357- Impacts of Visual Impairment on Children

January 25, 2025

Texas Tech Now reports that two Texas Tech Clinical Psychology professors: Adam T. Schmidt and Sarah Victor are conducting a study on blind and visually impaired children. The study examines the kids’ experiences around their families, peers, schools, and other settings. The professors earned an over $3,000,000 grant from the National Eye Institute for the study. Sarah and Adam join us to talk about the study. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-357-impacts-of-visual-impairments-on-children

Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 356- Blind Center of Nevada

January 11, 2025

The Blind of Nevada in Las Vegas assists the blind and visually impaired in achieving their highest potential. How does the center do that? Blind Center of Nevada President Todd Imholte is here to tell us. For more information on this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-356-blind-center-of-nevada

Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 355- Boxing and Southwest Kids in Action

December 11, 2024

KOLR-TV. In Springfield, Missouri is talking about the Southwest Kids in Action group. The group provides recreational opportunities for blind and visually impaired kids. One of the opportunities is learning boxing and self-defense. Southwest Kids in Action and 417 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu joined forces. They gave a boxing and self defense class. Glenn Cozzens, who helps run 417 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Lydia Regier, Program Coordinator for the St. Louis Lighthouse for the Blind, are here to talk about the class and special group. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-355-boxing-and-southwest-kids-in-action Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 354- Train Audio Guide

November 13, 2024

The BBC reports that blind man Dave Smith sits on an accessibility advisory panel. The panel is a part of Britain’s Translink Railway System. Dave just wrote an audio guide for the blind and all people with disabilities to understand the train layout before traveling. Dave will be here to talk about the layout and guide. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-354-train-audio-guide Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 353- Viewfinders and their Lenses

October 26, 2024

The website mentalfloss.com reports that Virginia is the first State to receive colorblind-friendly viewfinders. The viewfinders are at all of Virginia’s forty-five State parks. Natural Tunnel State Park, in Duffield, Virginia, was the first to add the viewfinders in 2023. The viewfinders got quite the reception. So the viewfinders were installed at the rest of Virginia’s State parks. Enchroma Vice President of Communications and Partnerships Kent Streeb and Virginia State Parks Director Dr. Melissa Baker are here with us. They’re going to explain how the viewfinders and their lenses are helping color blind visitors enjoy the best of Virginia’s State parks. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-353-viewfinders-and-their-lenses Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play.

Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 352- Magic

September 28, 2024

The Standard reports that worldwide magicians are being challenged. That challenge is showcasing the best tricks for the blind and visually impaired. These tricks only use sound. There’s a new competition for showcasing the sound-only magic tricks. Associate Professor in Psychology Dr. Gustav Kuhn of the University of Plymouth in England will talk about the contest. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-352-magic

Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 351- Tandem Biking

September 21, 2024

The Leader Newspaper reports that the Houston Lighthouse out of Texas is offering tandem bike rides for the blind on the first Saturday of each month. Here to talk about tandem biking for the blind is Lighthouse of Houston’s Marketing and Development Director Daryan Jones. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-351-tandem-biking Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play. Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).

Speaking Out for the Blind Episode 350- The Blind Barbie Doll

September 14, 2024

Mattel has just launched its best Barbie doll in years. It’s a blind Barbie doll. Yes my fellow listeners. We now have a blind Barbie doll. Here to talk about the new doll is UK based blind broadcaster and blind Barbie Ambassador, disability activist, and journalist Lucy Edwards and American Foundation for the Blind Assistant Vice President of Communications Tony Stephens. Barbie joined forces with the American Foundation for the Blind to debut the doll. For more info related to this week’s show, go to: https://speakingoutfortheblind.weebly.com/list-of-episodes-and-show-news/for-more-information-episode-350-the-blind-barbie-doll Ways to Connect to Speaking Out for the Blind

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED) “Alexa, Ask ACB Media to play Media 1”. (1 = stream number). PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED): Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/1 (1 = stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED): Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Live Streams” and then choose “ACB Media 1 - Mainstream.” Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access: Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf”. Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media 1 (1 = stream number) and hit play.

Alternate Dial-In access Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above) If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above. Facebook page is at Speaking Out for the Blind and X (formerly Twitter) page is at SpeakOutfortheBlind (you may also access this at SpeakOutBlind).